We are behavioural training specialists that can cure behavioural issues by training your dog or puppy in your home, in a group setting outside.

We can help with:

In-Home Behaviour Training

In-Home Puppy Setups



Jumping Up

Pulling on Lead



Group Classes

Puppy Schools

Read on to learn more about our in-home and group training offers, and our puppy preschool.

In-Home Behavioural Training

Provided in the comfort and convenience of your own home, Canine Wise trainers come to you and advise you how to understand and communicate with your dog using the gentle but effective Canine Wise method to achieve
the results you want.

We tailor the training to suit your needs and lifestyle - you may have a busy household and a hectic schedule, or you may want your dog to just fit into your peaceful life and your household which may include a new baby, young children, multiple dogs, cats, or other pets.

Canine Wise in-home training can help all dogs, regardless of breed, size, age, or background - from naughty puppies, over excitable adolescents, nervous anxious dogs, and even aggressive behaviours. We can show you how to cure the cause of your dog’s behaviours and not just the symptom, without the use of harsh methods that some trainers still use such as pinch collars or being heavy handed or even the overuse of lots of treats and not only
relying on obedience training but by using the Canine Wise methods that are tried and tested over many, many years of successfully training the owner to have the knowledge to cure
their dogs behaviour.

We can also provide training to help your rescue, companion, and therapy dogs


In-Home Puppy Training and setup

Getting a new puppy is a very exciting time. Early preparation
helping you to set up routines will ensure you are ready to settle your new puppy into its new home.

Whether you are a first-time owner, bringing a new puppy or dog into your family or have not had a puppy for a while, we can help you at your home with a simple program to ensure a happy and well-behaved companion that will be less stressful on you and your new puppy.

Puppy Prechool

Do not wait! Regardless of what you have been told or read, waiting until your puppy’s final vaccination is too late.

In fact, at 16 weeks of age, all breeds are actually too old for puppy School and the best time to contact us about puppy School is at eight weeks old or as soon as you get your new puppy. The main reason is the imprinting time for your puppy ends at 16 weeks, and if you miss this crucial imprinting time, this is when your puppies behaviour is imprinted, they can imprint bad behaviours
very quickly, which will be tougher to cure at a later stage.

Puppies are part of our family, however, bad behaviour is the most frequent problem people call us needing help with, not realising what we recommend cannot be done on your own, by searching
the Internet, watching TV shows or social media, or even having a previous dog.

At this age with your puppy, every month is equal to a year of development in a human child, and so waiting until a puppy is five or six months old to start training is like having a human child of six years old, and not letting them interact with the outside world, imagine how socially backward they would be. The knowledge that Canine Wise have through years of extensive experience will give you the foundation for a lifelong stable and happy relationship with your puppy.


Group Based Dog Training

Group training is great for training any dog 5 months and over how to ignore distractions and listen to you with other dogs around, a very valuable lesson that you will be very grateful for down the track! Learning in a group is also great for them socially and this leads to a better-balanced dog.

Also, we will give you the correct advice on equipment and how to use it effectively to manage your dog. Group courses also fosters a stronger bond with your dog, since you are learning together, outside the safety of your home. It also provides good mental stimulation being in a group situation.

Finally, as the owner you are learning more about interpreting your dog’s body language and managing those situations will help you whenever you are out with your dog in public.

Get started now with a free quote

We’ll give you a training program outline and a price that is tailored to your dog’s needs. Simply fill in the form.

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